Our farm is the long cleared section on the top, divided into 3-4 sections/pastures by the house, barn, and sand hill. It's 8.6 acres, but only 5 acres in pasture.
The piece on the far left (west) we leased last fall and used this year. But with the drought, we ran out of pasture and had to start feeding hay really early. It's 1.75 acres.
So in September, we went 2 farms down (south) and ask them if we could lease their unused fields for next year. They agreed and we immediately brush hogged them, to give the grass a chance to grow. This piece is about 10 acres.
This gives us about 16.75 acres for 6 cows. We hope to use 1 acre, between the house and barn, for pigs and chickens. We also hope to use a few acres to stockpile grass for November of next year.
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