Home |
Our farm is located in
Western Mass., near Northampton. It's a small
farm of 8.5 acres
located in the beautiful Connecticut River valley. It
sustainably farmed using organic nutrient density practices.
Organic farming means building soil fertility, maintaining
ecological balance, promoting biodiversity, reducing dependence
on off farm inputs, recycling nutrients, and allowing
livestock to display their natural instinctive behaviors.
We custom graze grass-fed Devon cattle, raise pastured heritage
broilers, and pasture pigs for our own consumption. We have
heritage layers with an outside pen plus movable access to new
areas. We have
a large vegetable garden plus an herb garden and
many flowerbeds.
We sell seedlings, vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fresh eggs on
farm stand.
Click on Ernie, our Barred Rock free ranging supervisor, to take
on a tour of the website.
Our Facebook page:

Oak Farm 2015
Contact: dandp2002@yahoo.com |